
灵思妙想 情深意重


 —— 记嘉定世外9月英语活动特刊之六年级英语贺卡评选活动











     每位同学手持三张票,分别粘在自己最中意的作品前。每位同学都有序地排着队,低着头认真欣赏桌上的贺卡,看到喜欢的,还会情自禁地拿起作品来轻轻翻看着。陆陆续续地,同学们在看完全部卡片后作出决定,把选票投给自己最喜欢的三张作品,然后回到教室静静等待。 终于到最后一个环节,也是大家最期待的清点票数环节。老师们按照票数的多少,挑出了前十的作品,这些作品将有机会进入下一轮各个奖项的评选。在11位英语课代表的投票中,我们选出了“最佳人⽓气奖”,“最佳创意奖”,“最具真情奖”和“最佳设计奖”四个奖项。 最激动人⼼心的时刻到,让我们看⼀一看最终的获奖情况吧!










     设计成笔记本电脑的周怡萱Eva的贺卡和充满文艺气息的付梓彤Alinda的贺卡获得“最佳创意奖”。 用精美书法装点的翟聿仰Stella同学的贺卡以及精致可爱的贝奕恺Kevin同学的贺卡获得“最佳设计奖”。最后,我们也在贺卡内容上选出了充满感动和温情文字的“最具真情奖”,由吕薇Vivian和刘璐Cici两位同学拿下。




On September 21st 2018, the students from Grade Six of JDWFLS had ”The favorite card in teacher’s day” activity at the arts classroom, whereby to express the love to the teachers.


The classmates used their imagination created all different kinds of greeting cards. Some used bright-colored colors, some used excellent poems like Shakespeare, some drew warm and sweet pictures. Every card is unique and excellent.


     In order to keep the voting orderly, I designed a one-way route: Enter from the back door and exit from the front door. Tony put labels with me together.The classmates are not only enthusiasm but orderliness at the whole activity.


Classmates made the voting rules: Everybody has 3 votes, and every person can only cast one vote on per card. You can put the vote under the card you like.


     In order to guarantee justice, while the classmates of 6(1) are voting, the English representative of 6(2) responsible oversights. While the classmates of 6(2)are voting, Tony and I responsible oversights.


Finally, Alice’s greeting card got 47 votes and got the golden prize. It’s a 3D greeting card, after opened it, you can see a huge sky wheel bumping out. Classmates were surprised and said: “Is it the London’s eye?”


It was like boarding on the sky wheel when we got into JDWFLS. With the help of the teachers, we can stand higher and take a broader view to find a more wonderful world.


Dear teachers:

May you stay forever young!

May your heart always be joyful!

Happy Teacher’s Day!


Your student,

Jack Lu

文:中文-六(2)班 周一诺

英语-六(1)班 陆一诺

摄影:六(1)班 余思甜