


—— 嘉定世外第二届英语节启动仪式


中华文化源远流长,自然是学养深厚。从最初的仓颉造字,到后来有了孔子的“敏而好学,不耻下问”又经李白的“君不见黄河之水天上来”再到辛弃疾的的“想当年,金戈铁马,气吞万里如虎”。嘉定世外第二届英语节的主题为“Chinese Culture Speaks”,就是围绕中华民族传统文化展开,旨在向世界展示当代中学生眼中源远流长的中国文化。嘉定世外第二届英语节启动仪式由来自六(2)班的贝奕恺和周芷娴两位同学主持。





With high expectation and excitement, we are going to celebrate the 2nd JDWFLS English Festival on December 29, with the theme this year ---Chinese Culture Speaks.


Our motherland China is a vast country with an ancient culture going back at least 5,000 years and Chinese culture is an amalgamation of enormous diversity and variety, while there are still a load of domestic and overseas people not aware of the charm and essence of sophisticated Chinese civilization. Cross-cultural misunderstandings and miscommunications between foreigners and Chinese still frequently take place. Therefore, it is of significant necessity for us to introduce our rich civilization to people at home and abroad. Furthermore, the basic aim of our school is to cultivate students with global outlook and Chinese heart and we are trying to integrate our educational philosophy with this English Festival to make everyone have in-depth knowledge about Chinese culture.

An interesting and profound opening ceremony will be held in the lecture hall from 8:40 a.m. to 9:10 a.m. Next, students of the entire school are going to explore six sites of Chinese culture, which include Chinese Medicine at Room 306, Shadow Play at Room 307, Cuju at Room 206, Paper Cut at Room 206, Tea Ceremony at Room 303 and Calligraphy at Room 301. After we learn a lot and have great fun in the exploration of different sites, we are going to share our summary and reflection with the teammates. Special-designed prizes and awards will be given to the teams who actively participate in the exploration of Chinese culture.

With various terrific and spectacular art, traditions, history, sports, life styles, it is our responsibility to show our traditional culture to the world and it is of vital sense to inherit Chinese culture. Let’s look forward to our upcoming English Festival and hear what Chinese culture speaks. 


中文文稿:六(2)班 贝奕恺